How some kids deal with bullies.
Current society accepted trend is passive-aggressiveness. As long as it is “legal”, endangered animals can be killed for sport, everyday people can be sued into homelessness; offspring of the 1% can commit a DUI murder …
ContinueAmerican Management in the Millenial Generation
An American automobile company and a Japanese auto company decided to have a competitive boat race on the Detroit River. Both teams trained long and hard to reach their peak performance. On the big …
ContinueA Conversation with a 39 year old Asian MBA
Small part of a conversation that some might find interesting, especially #Asians living in western lands. Loosely transcribed from an iSight accidentally recording. Me: Haven’t you ever questioned why we are educated to view …
在 Abu Dabi, Dubai, 妓女的單位是阿拉伯人 美國歐洲白人 南美國的西班牙人 非洲的黑人 然後最低最便宜的最沒價值的最低級的是中國女人。 什麼叫賤? 我有個美國白人朋友Amy, 她告訴我過這件事,整個世界裡白人老公打亞洲人太大的很多,但沒有一個亞洲人老公大白人太太的事件。他說亞洲男人太容易控制,隨便看一下亞洲的媽媽就知道。 這不是什麼值得好驕傲的事情。但是在世界比起來中國媽媽希望他們的兒子以後的未來有什麼好值得驕傲的? 這種教育是希望達到什麼的結果? 這小孩子長大以後你想會愛 尊重 得是會恨所有的中國女人? 長大的未來 會變成什麼樣子的男人? 他會做出什麼樣的事情? 是誰真的有錯? 傳統 = 土 = 賤。
ContinueBeats Jimmy Iovine and Apple Tim Cook set on making the future of Music, Filled With More Bureaucracy.
The business and technology segments of news sites and social media is abuzz with the purchase of Beats headphones by Apple, announced last week. Compliments, adulation, endorsements and criticism (mostly of how bad-ass Beats headphones …
ContinueJustice Is Blind, Literally.
“You all look alike, to me”. Said it back to them or had it said back to you? Funny right? Is it really? I first heard this story 10 or so years ago. It didn’t …