Not the potion Emperor Ching dispatched his top generals to seek. Not halting time to stop the aging process. Not breaking Einstein’s theory of relativity. Not transferring your consciousness to a robotic body or nano-bots. Not having Dracula suck on you, no Zombies neither, that makes you the Undead. There is no magic.
Question is, would you rather have a bulletproof heart and other organs, 3D printed parts from your own tissue, or a complete new body?
In Case you missed that, Dr. Robert White’s monkey head transplant surgical procedure was successfully completed in the ’70’s.
Before going jumping off cliffs or plopping yourself into the latest in the ultimate gaming/surfing luxury, consider some simple issues with immortality.
1) Robots are rapidly making human jobs obsolete. And Artificial Intelligence are making advancements faster than the bio-medical field.
2) Humans have not stopped procreating, if anything we have increased. And we use more resources of this planet than any other living creature or plant. There is a Critical Mass point, where we consume more than we can produce.
3) Our current societal hierarchy is of an Empirical structure. Where those that command allocation of resources and your well-being dictates our survival. But then should this technology be made available for those that make absolutely no contribution to society? What if that someone is your loved one?
Who gets to decide?