Disrupting a $55 Billion industry that’s about smearing dirt on your face.
Harvard Biz alum Grace Choi uses technology to call bullshit on the established cosmetics industry. 3D print makeup is a step towards acclimating girls to comprehend beauty is their hands and should not be dictated by corporations.
For all entrepreneurs and startup owners, watch her video, despite her blunt nervous awkwardness, Grace inspires with the necessary formula of intelligence and confidence.
Though the makeup giants will surely attack her for being ignorant and arrogant along with a storm of other issues, but what other response can one expect from corporations with wrath-of-god money?
Just a few years ago, a woman, an Asian, spunky and nervous, and even with a prestigious degree from Harvard, would have never been able to stand on the stage and defiantly pitch anything, let alone pitch the stone that’s intended to kill Goliath. I am a huge Grace Choi fan, and sincerely wish her success.
It’s called Mink, and it uses regular inkjet printer ink and other FDA approved source materials.