A Conversation with a 39 year old Asian MBA




Small part of a conversation that some might find interesting, especially #Asians living in western lands.  Loosely transcribed from an iSight accidentally recording.


Me: Haven’t you ever questioned why we are educated to view what Caucasians obviously use for motivation as taboos?

MBA: It’s our culture, our tradition.

Me: That’s it?  So the fast cars, yachts, private G6 jets, fast barbie dolls, king of your own castle, white-gloved servants, super drugs for hair and sex is the destination reserved only for non-Asians?  And we instead have to look forward to a sensible house that mom wants to live in, child rearing, mini-vans and convincing yourself soccer-mom jeans are sexy?

MBA: Yoga pants, I think yoga pants are sexy.  But they have that too, the porch and pool crowd.

Me: OK, fair enough, yoga pants.  But where’s our jet set single crowd?

MBA: I guess our women likes tradition more?  Taught well by their mothers.

Me: Didn’t realize you’re so conservative, and racist.

MBA: I’m not, I’m all for progress.  …Racist?

Me: How many Asian Females date, marry Caucasians Males?

MBA: Don’t know the exact stats, but yeah, lots.

Me: There are more Asian Females divorcing Caucasian Males than there are Asian males dating Caucasian females.

MBA: Ha!  Interesting way of putting it.

Me: Interesting?  OK, do all Asians Females that date or marry Caucasian Males ONLY date or marry what’s considered “more successful” Caucasian males?

MBA: Obviously not.

Me: And when was the last time you saw a Caucasian Female date or marry an Asian Male where “he” wasn’t one of “our” more successful males?

MBA: Well…  What are you saying?

Me: Exactly that, it’s a statement.  Not something “I am” saying.

MBA: Well, yeah, they’re considered a status symbol.

Me: So who’s “taught well” by their mothers then?  Traditionally speaking of course.

MBA: You’re trying to say it’s because Caucasians educate by motivations of debauchery and superficiality?

Me: Again, not what “I” am saying, I am asking whether you have considered actual happenings.  Don’t you ever observe similarities and differences?  But if you insist, are Asians, or the world for that matter, trying their damndest to get into Beijing University or Harvard?  Which of those graduates has a better shot of landing a high paying CEO position or joining the ranks of…

MBA: Well many top successes never even graduated, Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg, Ma…

Me: All western founded, or engineered companies…

MBA: It’s all western corporations that does the hiring and… What is your point?

Me: Similarities and differences.  What’s told versus what’s real.  That the result of their motivations is international corporations that makes products the world wants.

MBA: That’s a very general statement.

Me: Ever seen what a pair of Oakley glasses that costs $100 here go for in Shanghai?

MBA: How much?

Me: $225 USD.


MBA: Yeah, that sounds about right.  And they’re probably made in China too!  Haha!  But that creates opportunities for those smart enough to get into import/export business.

Me: Yes, so what makes the Chinese consumers willing to pay $225 for the glasses with an Oakley tag versus the exact same pair without the tag costing less than $20 also made by them?  …Opportunities…  What’s the height of an import/export business?  How will that contribute to our non-existent brands which will have consumers willing to pay ten times more just for the tag?  How really smart is that?

MBA: …OK, what do you see as the solution to all this?

Me: Again, not about what “I” see, say or opine.  It is exactly the happening.

MBA: Fine, fine, what do you suggest?

Me: Similarities and differences.  Whatever has always been done needs to about-face, invest only in the opposite.  Research, Develop, Create, make tinsel.

MBA: Make tinsel?

Me: Advertise, market.  Know the difference?

MBA: Tell people what we make is good.

Me: Advertising is WHAT you say.  Marketing is WHERE you say it.  Yes tell everyone.



*Posting on FB by a friend of mine in Germany.


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