Roughly 7.2 Billion humans on Earth today, by 2025 (at current reproductive rates) estimated to be 9+ Billion.
If we are to continue current resource consumption rates without drastic change, serious innovation are needed. Thankfully, there are some humans working on solutions rather than wasting oxygen trying to be self-important.
With this many differing minds, the future is indeed looking awesome. By 2025:
1) Your mobile phone will be able to make processes at 10,000 trillion cycles per second. The equivalent of your brain.
2) There will be more than 100 billion connected devices, each with a dozen or more sensors collecting data. You will be able to know just about anything you want, anywhere, anytime. Perfect data.
3) Biometric smart devices will alert you to any degenerative diseases and provide you with a cure. With robotic surgery and tissue regrowth, everyone will be able to “renew” a heart, liver, lung, kidney, etc when we need it.
4) Artificial Intelligence. A butler that will do things for you, but it will exist in virtual space and do things for you, your mind only though.
The major problem is lack of social mobility. Seems we are still very much applying bronze-age ideology to qualifying humans for status. Instead of observing actual merit, contribution to society, the existing powers are maintaining focus on bloodlines, births of privilege. Or those that come up with tools to further enforce the existing order.
Danger in this continuation is the trade-off in differing classes; just about everyone will have access to health technologies that will allow you to maintain the 25-35 old physical you, even if you’re 65. But only those that can afford it will have the luxury of extending life-expectancy to 150 and beyond. While of course maintaining healthy physical bodies. More time to gain knowledge to more efficiently rule over all the healthy youthful-looking commoners. This is the logic being sold.
For some reason, the saying: no matter how much you polish a turd it is still a turd, comes to mind. More to come.